Location: Minneapolis

I am the author of Paper Boat (New Rivers Press) and the forthcoming Slip (New Issues Press), both books of poetry. I teach English at Century College, workout at the Blaisdell Y, keep bees at our place up north, and mother my grown daughters as much as they'll let me.

Friday, March 18, 2005


Ah, no. Scorpion.
As in: walking down the hall of my apartment. Si. Lucky for me, my friend and colleague Ellen was here to slay it while I screamed. But first I got a photo of it. I'll try to post it in the next week on my snap fish site I just now opened and don't, yet, know how to direct anyone to. So, the morning after the scorpion we headed to Manuel Antonio where Ellen hired a guide. This turned out to be a very wise decision. (See photos?) We were able to see monkeys, which I'd seen before, but also a nighthawk, a kingfisher, a toucan, and several Sloths! I was thrilled, as seeing a sloth was one of my heartfelt wishes. And was it ever fulfilled. I actually got a photo of what looks like the sloth smiling down at me. We saw lots of bats, too. The whole experience was sort of magical.

And hot. We took the bus home. For 3.50, one really can't complain about anything but I think I'm just going to briefly mention how hot it was. Very hot. On the bus. But the private bus that took us to M.A. cost $25.00 and wasn't any faster. (Though it was air conditioned.) So all in all, the express buses are a very fine deal. Just here's some advice: wear natural fabrics, preferably in dark colors.

I'm off again tomorrow. Early early. We leave for our spring break week at 5:20 a.m. This time I'm headed to the Caribbean side of the country, to Tortuguero and then Cahuita. Emily and I are going, along with my colleague Kerry. We should have adventures.

I think the bird that calls each night here in Alajuela is in fact a nighthawk. Its song is so incredibly lovely, a little forlorn. I have come to love its song.

I have to say, too, that getting back to Alajeula this afternoon, tired and hot and sweaty, I realized that this place now feels like home to me. I asked the cabbie to stop at the bank and the machine had money in it. The air here is cool and unbelievably lovely. The sunset made us all rosy and beautiful. Ah. This place is magic.

And did I hear there's lots of snow in Minnesota?


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