Location: Minneapolis

I am the author of Paper Boat (New Rivers Press) and the forthcoming Slip (New Issues Press), both books of poetry. I teach English at Century College, workout at the Blaisdell Y, keep bees at our place up north, and mother my grown daughters as much as they'll let me.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


What I ate today. So far.

2 pieces of toast with jelly
8 chocolate-covered macademia nuts
1 fun-sized snickers bar
1 package of Maria galletas (cookies)
1 Imperial beer

This is a diet seriously lacking in nutritional value.

I thought I had a great scoop for, well, mostly Maggie, who might be the only interested person I know. I saw a film crew following around a group of beautiful, bored young people in Manuel Antonio National Park and then again at a restaurant there called El Avion (which is actually in the body of plane that Oliver North bought during the Iran/Contra events). I was just sure the kids must be from Real World, but as a good investigator I went online and found that casting calls for next season's Real World are being held now. So I don't know who those people were or why they had their own film crew or why they looked so utterly irritated with each other.

As for my diet, luckily I've been invited to my friend Kerry's house for dinner. Things are looking up. I am trying to live on the groceries I have, but clearly this can't last or I'll be eating mayonaise and rice for dinner soon. I am down to my last roll of toilet paper too.

When I get home, the things I want to do most are (aside from kiss and hug my dear family) : go to Dunn Bros (the coffee here is great, but try buying a cup of it to go); drive my car; eat fresh spring rolls from Jasmine Deli; look at my garden; weigh myself (I haven't done that in 9 weeks and I'm getting a bit curious--Costa Ricans are so laid back I haven't had one moment of body self-consciousness, a lovely respite. But I would like to know what I weigh. Esp after all those chocolates); read my mail; sleep in my bed; pet my dog; walk around Lake Harriet. That's just for starters.

What will I miss here? Eating dinner out for 5 bucks, including a glass of wine for a dollar. The warmth. The wonderful Costa Rican pace of life. As Rosie who works at the Institute once said to me, "You stress, you die." The warm oceans. The mountains. Oh, there will be much I'll miss. The sound of Spanish in the mouths of native speakers.

Off to Kerry's for dinner. Spaghetti and salad. That'll help.


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